
Media Streaming With Exoplayer

The latest player to play on mobile for music song i.e. Exoplayer

Exoplayer is an application level Media Player Library.ExoPlayer standard audio and video components are built on Android’s MediaCodec API, which was released in Android 4.1 .It is an adaptive audio and video streaming.Because ExoPlayer is a library, you can easily take advantage of new features as they become available by updating your app.I have been use MediaPlayer to stream a song but problem is song stream in approx all mobile except redemii and latest android 7 mobile thats why we use Exoplayer to stream song ,when we use Exoplayer to stream audio and video song there is no problem to play song.Exoplayer is very fast and smooth audio and video songs.

Feature of Exoplayer:

1>Exoplayer is an application level Media Player Library.

2>It works on all mobile to stream audio and video songs.

3>It is very fast and smooth player to stream an audio and video songs.

4>Ability to run the very same Player version on all devices.

How to use Exoplayer :

1>First add dependency in build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile ‘’
It is very important to  allow  import exoplayer in your activity.

2> Inintialise Exoplayer in onCreate method
ExoPlayer exoplayer;//It is declare globally in your activity.
exoplayer = ExoPlayer.Factory.newInstance(1);
In your activity First initialize Exoplayer in onCreate method
3>Write this code where you want to stream audio player

MediaCodecAudioTrackRenderer audioRenderer = null;
Allocator allocator = new DefaultAllocator(BUFFER_SEGMENT_SIZE);
String userAgent = Util.getUserAgent(localContext, “ExoPlayerDemo”);
DataSource dataSource = new DefaultUriDataSource(localContext, null, userAgent);
ExtractorSampleSource sampleSource = new ExtractorSampleSource(Uri.parse(_uri),
audioRenderer = new MediaCodecAudioTrackRenderer(sampleSource);


Where _uri is Url of songs.

Method To Play ExoPlayer

public void playMedia() {
if (!mediaPlayer.getPlayWhenReady()) {
isPlaying = true;
isPause = false;


This is the method to call for stream  a song and play.Inwhich isPlaying and isPause is a boolean value.

Method to pause media player:

public void pauseMedia() {
if (mediaPlayer.getPlayWhenReady()) {
isPlaying = false;
isPause = true;

This is the method to call for pause a song.Inwhich isPlaying and isPause is a boolean value.

Method to stop media player

if (mediaPlayer.getPlayWhenReady()) {

This is the method to call for stop a song.


Exoplayer is a powerful concept to stream an audio and video songs.It is very fast and smooth player.When we use Exoplayer Stream an audio and video song on all mobile,there is no problem in any mobile in stream a song.

Best Practice for Building Strong Relationship on Linkedin

Building strong and meaningful relationships on LinkedIn is always critical to growing your business, whether Software development lead generation, Mobile app development leads, sales lead generation etc.

Most of the people facing such problem, you have hundreds of connection or thousands of connections on LinkedIn but you have been unable to do anything productive or not able to find good (profitable leads with

Building strong and meaningful relationships on LinkedIn is always critical to growing your business, whether Software development lead generation, Mobile app development leads, sales lead generation etc.

Most of the people facing such problem, you have hundreds of connection or thousands of connections on LinkedIn but you have been unable to do anything productive or not able to find good (profitable leads with them. And you are struggling to grow your network with meaningful connections on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is the most useful platform for Entrepreneur, business owner, person. It is most useful and effective when you use it as a relationship building platform.

  1. Start With his/her Name: Always should start your message with Hi or Hello with his/ her name, Because our name is the most beautiful word.
  2. Look for Commonalities: It’s always easier to build a relationship with those when you have something in common or related to your domain or niche.
  3. When you meet someone at a networking event or holiday party, connect with them on LI and make a note: Meet someone and exchange names, Look them up on LinkedIn the next day and send a personalized message
  4. Tell People Why Do You Want To Connect: If you want to connect with someone, make sure you answer the question “ what’s in it for me “ or “introduce yourself with short message”
  5. Look at someone’s LinkedIn photo when you’re talking with them by phone: When you planned to talk to someone I haven’t yet met, you should look at their LinkedIn photo before the talk. It gives us the sense of talking to someone in person.

Why it is so important to put in the extra time and effort into developing each relationship. You are supposed to connect with them not collect them. LinkedIn can be the goldmine of opportunities but only if you know how to mine.

Design Thinking And Process

Design  Thinking  and  Process :

Design  Thinking  and  Process :

Design thinking is a method which is designers use in ideation and development. This is a methodology that solve problems.

What is a Design Process?

5 steps in design thinking  process.


In design thinking empathy is “Understanding of people problems and realities of the people you are designing for”.

The following are our favourite Empathise methods:

  • Assume a beginner’s mindset
  • Ask What-How-Why
  • Ask the 5 whys
  • Conduct interviews with empathy
  • Build empathy with analogies
  • Use photo and video user-based studies
  • Use personal photo and video journals
  • Engage with extreme users
  • Story share-and-capture
  • Bodystorm
  • Create journey maps


Learn how to solve about definition of your problem or design challenge it will surely improve your design thinking process and result.  A great definition of problem will improve your team’s work and starts the ideation process with a right direction.


This is a third stage of design thinking process. This is a creative process when designers generate their ideas in sessions.

Before starting to look for ideas, team should know clearly about the problem. Focused on problem will be a great solution.

There are many techniques to define your idea like a sketching, prototyping, brainstorming, any possible methods.


This is a next step of design thinking. Prototype is the way of your problem solution. Designers Ideas are converts into life.

Prototyping can be a quick and effective way of bringing your and your clients idea to life. To improve your idea create a prototype. It will help you to visual your idea.

Get a quick methods of prototypes. Do not spent too much time to make designs in prototyping. Your ability to objectively judge its merits. Build prototype with the user in mind.


This is a last stage of design thinking is “Testing”. Testing can be a undertaken throughout the process of a design thinking project. Testing in design thinking involves generatinguser feedback as related to the prototypes you have developed, as well as gaining  a deeper understanding of your users.

Once prototype has done let your users compare alternatives. Let your users experience prototype.

Ask about their experience. Observe and follow up questions.

The Design Thinking Process is fluid, iterative and flexible. When you know you’ve done a great job then product or service satisfies the three tests of desirability, feasibility, and viability.

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